Perfusion Safety in the Cardiac OR
Explore the latest trends in perfusion safety. Qualified clinical instructors share their learnings from critical events in cardiopulmonary bypass, explain the new safety culture and talk about innovative training strategies.

Frank Merkle, Dr. rer. medic. lives in Berlin, Germany. In June 2021 he finished his doctorate in theoretical medicine at the Humboldt University Berlin and Charité University Hospital. He has more than 25 years of experience in perfusion education and training, which have led him into the position of the Acting Director and Lecturer, Academy for Perfusion at Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin (DHZB). Since 2008 he also holds the position of Director of Steinbeis-Transfer Institute Kardiotechnik for B.Sc. Cardiovascular Perfusion and B.Sc. Physician Assistance (2009). He is focused on clinical simulation and safety of perfusion in the OR and has recently co-authored the publication: "Simulation-based training of critical events during cardiopulmonary bypass: Importance of critical events checklist."

Bruce Searles PhD, CCP is an Associate Professor and Department Chair of the Department of Cardiovascular Perfusion at the State University of New York’s Upstate Medical University. He is also a certified and licensed Perfusionist and ECMO consultant and Education Coordinator for two local hospitals in central NY. Bruce has been teaching perfusion to college students and clinicians for the past 24 years and has been publishing on the application of simulation in perfusion education. He has been an invited speaker on the subject of safety and simulation in 10 different countries.

Andreas Becker, Marketing Director, Terumo Cardiovascular is a Biologist by training and holds a PhD degree in Natural Sciences. He has 25 years experience in different national and international sales and marketing positions in the medical device industry. Andreas joined Terumo Cardiovascular in 2003. In his current position as Marketing Director, he is coordinating all cardiovascular marketing activities across the EMEA region.
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