Accessories for Retractor

Disposable Suture Holder Inserts slide into a variety of sternal retractors to place tension on the sutures aiding the positioning of anatomical structures and providing exposure and access during surgical procedures.

The reusable stainless steel Universal Stabilizer Arm Clamp (forward and rearward mount), provides a platform for the Hercules Stabilizing Arm to attach to an Ankeney Type Retractor.

Universal Stabilizer Arm Clamp

Universal Stabilizer Arm Clamp

Disposable Suture Holder

Disposable Suture Holder

Ordering Information
Catalog NumberDescriptionUnits/Case
Accessories for Retractor
T401270Holder, suture inserts
Single use, inserts into Apollo retractor
T401701Universal Stabilizer Arm Adaptor Clamp (for Ankeney type retractor)
Reusable stainless steel, forward and rearward mount onto Ankeney retractor (Ankeney retractor not included)